Beauty Editorial
Skin Care Tip to Clear Stubborn Pimples / Acne
Hello there ladies … and gents! Hope y’all are having a happy Friday. Last week I have featured “Skin Care 101 for Men” sharing a few tips on how to get rid off blackheads and reduce under eye puffiness. Today I am sharing another skin related feature on how to clear up pimples and or acne.
Last January 27th, I have been asked by my friend for some tips to help her deal with her pimple problem. But of course, as a proud beauty enthusiast I couldn’t resist to help out and share my knowledge.

[for privacy reason I have blocked her last name ^_^ ]
Since it is her first time to have a pimple breakout, she’s worried that trying out other products may cause her breakout to worsen. Not only that, she isn’t able to wear makeup and as a woman … I know exactly how she feels! Right away, I’ve asked her the basics to find out more about her skin problem to better assess the situation. I have then found out that she uses brands like Celeteque and Galdera (Benzyl Peroxide) 5% to dry out her pimples. According to her observation, the breakout just keeps coming back. For her skin care routine she washes her face, use toner then moisturizer.
From my personal experience, there’s nothing wrong mixing up brands, as long as you know the product works for your skin. Except, when that isn’t the case then the product mismatch can be the cause of skin breakout and irritation. Lifestyle and habit can play a big role. Stress and as well as fatigue are also a factor. What we eat is another thing [especially if we eat a lot of junk foods, fatty and oily food] and last but will never be the least, hygiene. Overall, the simplest things that we ignore can help tremendously.
I have advised Joan to drop her old skin care routine. Celeteque still contains moisturizer in it, and at this point she needs to avoid moisturizers to completely dry out her pimple. Since her current Benzyl Peroxide brand Galdera is no longer working for her I have suggested to switch to Panoxyl which also provides different concentration from 3%, 5% and higher. I have then recommended to switch her facial wash to Clearasil which contains Salycylic Acid which helps clear up acne and dry out pimples. If Clearasil is unavailable, try Cetaphil. This routine is very simple, but very effective from my personal experience as well as for my other friends whom I have suggested it to.
Facial wash is a must for 2-3x a day. This will help avoid any oil build up and start drying out the pimple / acne. If in any way her face feels drier from this method, she can only moisturize the unaffected area of the face. Absolutely no moisturizers over the pimple breakout. The Panoxyl only needs to be applied over the acne / pimple and for those who have sensitive skin 3% is the lowest of all concentration. Nonetheless, it will still “sting” and may cause a warm tingling sensation over the area it is applied at. With all honesty … the pain will be worth it once you start seeing the result. Result may vary, but will start showing progress within 7days.
Afterwards, I gave Joan enough time to try it out and I am pleased to share … that this method works for her as well! Check out her before photos [right before trying out my skin care tip] and her current photo now …


I’m very happy that her skin is a lot clearer now compared to how it was back in January. She also shared that her pimples have dried up and it is a lot smoother with a just marks left. In due time, with this routine her pimples and marks should clear up. I hope y’all find this post interesting and helpful. If y’all have any questions or suggestion on what should be featured next on my blog feel free to let me know. Until next time! xx