Review: Made from Earth Night Cream
As we age and get older, so does our skin. How we care and protect our skin will eventually show in the long run. Some of us may not think that the smallest details can go a very long way. For example, getting enough rest and drinking enough fluids in a day can help us age better. Same rule applies for the products that we use. As a matter of fact I have recently read about this Korean Lady who is now 50 years old yet she still looks like as if she’s in her 20’s! Her beauty secret? She’s using tons of beauty products in just one day. I’ll leave that story for another blog entry. My point is, if we try to take some time to nourish and care for our skin it won’t be in vain.
Today I am featuring my review for Made from Earth‘s Olive Night Cream. The package came in a typical envelope container with bubble wrap lining on the inside. Nothing fancy or exceptional but it did the job well securing the product. The container is slender and made out of plastic and to my surprise it is quite light in weight for a 2oz. product. I assumed it would be a lot heavier. The label provides detailed information and is very informative in my opinion.
Organic, Hollistic and Chemical Free
Moisturizing night creme with organic olives & olive butter. Best for use by mature and dry skin.

My skin isn’t mature to look at but surely it is getting there even if it isn’t obvious. After all I am getting old [and about to get older in less than a month! ugh.] and that means my skin is maturing and aging too. For the dry skin part I always get that skin problem during winter season. What I really like about the product is the fact that it is chemical free and organic! No I’m not organic-freak, so I don’t get much into details when it comes to that topic. Although, I must admit I wish I am and hopefully someday [if I can] I would try to be more into organic stuff. Regarding any negative inputs I can only come up with one… the scent. It can actually be a good thing because the product does not come with added perfume to cover up the scent. I guess I’m just not big with the olive oil scent. Truth be told, I don’t eat olives and I only have started using Extra virgin olive oil on my food. I just never got into it. Which is why I don’t get the Italian’s actually sipping some Olive Oil. When I went on my last Olive Oil / Wine vineyard trip they showed us different Olive oils, how it is processed and how to look for a quality made olive oil. Over all the product is like milky or lotion like in texture and feels cool and refreshing over the skin. Also, do note that this creme is pH balanced for face application. Aside from being organic, one more thing that made it stand out is the fact that it has Olives in it as it is a rich source of antioxidants. If you’re interested do check out as their product is very promising. Who wouldn’t want to get rid of wrinkles and aging lines anyway? If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Til’ next. xox