Review: KiwiBerry ML12 Plano Contact Lens
Hi lovely readers! I’m sure all of you are getting ready for the weekend already. Some of you may be planning to head out or have a little lunch date with friends. Since the weather is quite on the breezy and cold side, we tend to bundle ourselves up and forget about style and how we look. With all honesty, I have been there before and most often than not I have opted to wear less thicker jackets and decided to skip the winter coat altogether… except, I have realized I shouldn’t be sacrificing my health over how I look. Although, for any fashion and style enthusiast out there, you can already expect that looking good is a priority. Which is why I have chosen to wear designer contact lens, and accessorize myself with big bangles to make a bold statement.
Today I am sharing my review for ML12 and what is my opinion regarding the product.
Some time last week I have received a package from KiwiBerry1 for my honest review. To my surprise, they have carefully wrap the vials [bottles:each lens comes in a separate container] in a plastic bubble and encased it in another bubble wrap like pouch before placing it inside an envelope. They have also surprised me with an assortment of eyelashes that came in a small flat box and have sealed it in a separate bubble wrap. This guarantees that KiwiBerry delivers not just quality design, but as well as quality service. Check out more photos below

Close Up Shot
– Packaging
– Product Quality
– Ease of Use
Verdict: The quality of the lens is excellent, it doesn’t dry up and stays in place the whole time. The range of designs to choose from is totally of superb quality. The enlargment of my eyes is very noticeable even on indoor lighting Although some may have to actually pay close attention to my eyes. The design looks natural like and is barely even there to feeling. I could literally forget that lenses was even there on the first place..
Overall: 10/10 For having the lenses make my eyes pop-out while keeping the natural look. For the metal plate in the vials I’d give it an 8/10, as always I have struggled yanking it out nicely and had to use pliers to pry it apart.
FTC: KiwiBerry1 sponsored the ML 12 Gray for my honest review. I was not compensated to make this entry. I am not affiliated with Kiwi Berry and this is 100% my honest opinion.
January 28, 2012 at 11:26 am
love the 2nd photo of you, love.
you absolutely look gorgeous in that lens. <3
January 28, 2012 at 7:17 pm
You look cute with or without lens 🙂 I love your pictures, you are so sweet 🙂
xoxo, Oana
Angela Ricardo
January 29, 2012 at 12:01 pm
thank you so much Oana! 😀
Angela Ricardo
January 29, 2012 at 12:06 pm
thank you sis!
:”> nagfe feeling maganda :))))
March 6, 2012 at 5:52 am
nice opinion.. thanks for sharing....