Parisian Pink Lip Color by Cover Girl
I guess I woke up on the right side of the bed … I missed playing around with colors … it’s about time I get started using my palette’s and other makeup prods laying around my vanity and drawers. I have quite a stack to review and I have been meaning to get to it too. Then I always end up getting busy or side tracked. I prioritize my sponsored goodies so those that I have purchased have to wait when I get to my next round. Then of course whenever I find bargain deals I can’t help but make another purchase. Oh … the dilemma of being a makeup junkie.
I have quite a stack of Cover Girl Lip Color which I have hauled back in february … I know it’s been ages! So I told myself better start now so I can start scratching it off my bucket list. Since I am a full pledge “Pink-aholic” I picked out Parisian Pink lip color for my review today …