BB Cream
Lioele Product Haul from LiliesShop.net
Late afternoon yesterday I received a parcel directly from a messenger from the Postal office. They said my package had been held as my address on the package had been damaged with wear and tear due to their shipping and handling. They apologized for the delay and even if I wanted to be upset I just am glad they were able to track the information associated with the parcel and found my address [even if it took them about a month!]. I rarely ever have situations like this and I guess it is bound to happen one way or another. So what did I receive? Lioele Beauty product and samples from Lilies Shop! yey. Check out the picture of my haul…
To my BB cream lovers who had been following all my BB Cream reviews, now you can watch out for my Lioele BB Cream review / comparison as well as ratings. Also, on to a separate blog post I will then review Lioele’s Secret Pore Rich Balm, Serum and Vita Shake. So overall, I have received 1 full product and 3 types of product samples for review purposes. With all honesty I have been wanting to try out the Lioele BB cream as I heard it is very good. To date I am currently using skinfood and I would love to know how it match up to each other. If I really love the product I would obviously recommend it to all of you and purchase a full size bottle. My motto when it comes to makeup product is to be open minded and welcome new product as I will never know if a product will return better result if I don’t try. Here’s some fun shots of me featuring some Lioele products from LiliesShop.net …
So watch out for my review for these product starting this week. This should be very fun! After all many of you had been voting for Skin Care review on my Poll so this is the perfect timing for that. For those of you who loves checking out new beauty products head over to Lilies Shop as they have assorted name brand products, colored contact lens, wigs and even jewelries that are all worth checking out. As a matter of fact I really love their short style wig called Madeleine as it looks really doll-ish and gorgeous! If you have any question, suggestion or request feel free to let me know. Til’ next! xox