The Frustrated Beauty Queen
Well if y’all remembered I have been a contestant of a beauty pageant after my girlfriend Sabry ambushed me to participating. Lol. I actually ended up having so much fun that night. Except I didn’t have much pictures as boyf was busy recording a video for me. I decided not to share it as pretty much it wasn’t really a clear shot. If you are interested to see it, you can check it out at my personal facebook page. If you’re not in there, then too bad. 😛 Anywhoo, I got tagged for a few pictures today and I thought I’d share it here. ^^,

If you can’t really tell, I’m actually pageant #2 😀 I didn’t win obviously as I did not get to prepare for the pageant at all. T_T Maybe next year I can prepare, like at least one week notice instead of half a day and maybe just maybe I’d put up a better fight. 😛 If you haven’t gotten tired supporting me on stuff like this… you can vote for me on a new beauty queen contest here:
You can vote daily, and on different browser or different computer. All you have to do is click the itsy bitsy small “like” button and that will count as a vote for me. Thanks!~