
Featured Blogger at

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Featured Blogger Blog

Sometime last week I have received a message from editor of SD [Style Diaries] an online magazine like blog that compiles beautiful photography, trendy fashion post and awesome bloggers. Which is why when I found out that SD wanted to feature me on their site I felt honored and of course very happy. Not wasting any time, I have tried to squeeze in the interview right away in my busy schedule. If you haven’t gotten the chance to visit the site yet I encourage you to do so, most especially if you’re into fashion. They have awesome post that features carefully selected pictures, and well thought reads. On my interview, they have shared some of my outfit post to showcase my send of syle and versatility.

Style Diaries Featured Blogger

To top it all, when I visited the page, I have found much love from the bloggers who left some comments to share their appreciation. *blush* I sincerely want to share my deepest thanks. I am grateful that they find me to be a nice approachable person and that my sense of fashion is worth their time. Here’s some of the comments left on the site…

Totally heart warming right? Alright, til’ next update as I am off to watch some basketball game with the boyf as we’re having a little sports bet. After all, as the saying goes “if you can’t beat them, join them” and that’s what I am doing. Football season may almost be over but since boyf is into sports I’m sharing some quality time with him while watching a couple of NBA games. We support and love our own… ahh, the magical story of love. xox

My name is Angela Ricardo Bethea and I am the founder and editor behind ( and many other online publications ) ... I love the finer things in life, I'm quite a shop-a-holic and a certified jet-setter. So if I am not behind my laptop to blog, I'd probably be shopping if not traveling.


  1. Janet

    January 20, 2012 at 1:27 am

    You deserve this! =) you’re such a fashionable blogger and I just love all your outfits..very lovely ^_^~

  2. kenny

    January 20, 2012 at 2:43 am

    actaully as of the moment sa 5 blogger interviews ko ikaw ang may pinaka madaming na receive na comments. 🙂 thanks for blogging about this ate <3

  3. Oana

    January 20, 2012 at 8:25 am

    You are the girl with nice shoes 😀
    Thanks for visiting my blog and also for the nice comment that you left there.
    I will follow your site!
    Congratulations for the interview! You look fabulous in those pictures!
    xoxo, Oana

  4. Angela Ricardo

    January 20, 2012 at 10:51 pm

    Awwee thank you Oana! <3 I'm glad you like my shoes.
    You’re very welcome. I’m happy to have you as a new follower.
    <3 Will visit your site again! xox

  5. Angela Ricardo

    January 21, 2012 at 11:10 am

    Thank you very much! Means alot to me. xox

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