Fashion Quest
Fashion Quest with Nokia & LeiVanKash Jewellery
A week ago I have received an email from the Nokia team, letting me know I have been chosen to take part on a unique fashion quest! ♥ Nokia have teamed up with LeiVanKash Jewellery to give an individual with a passion for fashion the chance to inspire the next fabulous piece of jewelry – I’m ecstatic and honored at the same time!
Read more about the event: “We teamed up with jewellery designer LeiVanKash!”
Email from Nokia

The Nokia Lumia 900

[more pictures from this set on my next update]
So basically, I have to create a mood board using the Nokia Lumia 900 to inspire the next LeiVanKash Jewellery. Since this is a first for me … it will be a challenging task, but will prove to be a wonderful experience and opportunity. Who knows? I just might be able to win right? As a Fashion blogger, it would be the biggest thing ever to get my name out there as someone who influenced a fashion piece!
Looking through LeiVanKash website … I immediately fell in love with the designs and collection. Those are what I would say “statement pieces” that can speak for wearer itself. Just like the saying goes “Action speaks louder than Words” … the same concept applies to LeiVanKash collection. For any fashion enthusiast, making a statement with what we are wearing is the important of all. No need for words or cheesy lines.
Since winter is just around the corner here in Italy, I am starting to miss the summer season. I love summer for its beautiful earthly colors and a warm ambiance that fires you up from within. Winter makes me want to go all bad-ass with leather, spikes, skulls and chains. When I have stepped out of the porch to see if there’s anything I can try to snap on with the Nokia Lumia 900, I noticed a few earthly shade … and so, my first mood board is inspired with “Earth” for the Flora collection.

“All photos on this board are taken and edited using the Nokia Lumia 900”
The phone is really beautiful. Not only for the beautiful customization feature [which I turned my icons to pink] but as well as for the navigation and user friendly feature. Connecting online and taking care of my work is way much easier! I really love Nokia. I’m not just saying that because I am taking part of their event.
With all honesty I still can’t believe I am actually participating on an event by Nokia. Back in the Philippines, the only phone I could swear my life on, would be Nokia made. I typically have an extra phone but my main device would always be a Nokia.
The last phone I had was a Nokia N97 and I wouldn’t of traded it for anything else … ’til I visited a Mall in QC, Phil. and a pick pocket stole it. 🙁 My baby was typically brand new. Less than 3 weeks old. I was actually with a few girlfriends that day and with such disappointment I totally cried my heart out. That’s how much I love my phone. If you don’t believe me, you can ask my friends yourselves. LOL. They know I’m inseparable with my gadgets.
Since this entry is getting quite long, I’ll save the rest for my next entry. Also, I would like to thank you all for your continued support. I would highly appreciate it, if you can also support me for this Nokia x LeiVanKash event. Til’ next. Love yah! xo