Cool Newspaper Print Nail Art Tutorial

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I came across this super cool nail art design and it is so easy to do. Just thought I’d share with all of you and I am betting y’all will love this!

Newspaper Nail Art

Step 1: Prepare what you’ll need: 1 top coat and 1 nail polish (whichever color you prefer) and a newspaper (cut into 10 little pieces to fit on your nails)

Newspaper Nail Art

Step 2: Apply nail polish (2-3 coats to make it look brighter). Wait until the nail polish is completely dry before proceeding to the next step.

Newspaper Nail Art

Step 3: Pour a little bit of alcohol in a small bowl or a dappen dish, then place your already dry nail in it for 5 seconds. If you don’t want to use alcohol, water should work but the letters will not be as precise and bold compare to using alcohol.

Newspaper Nail Art

Step 4: Immediately take a piece of newspaper and place it on top of the nail. DO NOT RUB on it, the letters will smear. Then Gently press it on your nail for about 10 seconds then remove or peel off the newspaper.

Newspaper Nail Art

Step 5: Finished off with a layer of top coat. It is important to use top coat to keep the letters intact.

Newspaper Nail Art

Here’s how mine looked like…

Newspaper Nail Art

Hope you enjoyed this simple Nail Art Tutorial… if you have any request feel free to let me know so I can give it a try… xox

My name is Angela Ricardo Bethea and I am the founder and editor behind ( and many other online publications ) ... I love the finer things in life, I'm quite a shop-a-holic and a certified jet-setter. So if I am not behind my laptop to blog, I'd probably be shopping if not traveling.

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