My Style
Comfort vs Fashion
We all know that most fashion style doesn’t come cheap. Not just with price, it is also packed with other things that some of us tend to overlook “Comfort”. We don’t care if we start hurting, having our feet elevated to the point that it gets sore, or even blistered, all because we want to look fashionable. There’s also that slimmed down pencil cut skirt, where we can either stumble while walking or ripped it open in public…talk about possible embarrassment! What about the high-waist pants/skirt where we could barely breathe just to make sure we project that super slim, flat tummy that “hey i worked hard on this flat tummy—NOT” …we all deal with so much more all because we want to look good. It is true that most fashionable stuff that are comfortable are usually too expensive. But wait, there’s hope. That’s why we have friend’s, family, siblings, sale… and to the last resort thrift-exchange.
Last time I checked, I can exchange or borrow clothes from my friends. If I really need to wear that super high-heeled combat boots for a photoshoot or a costume party why would I waste $100++ for that when I would barely even use it. As a matter of fact I won’t even use it for regular day-wear. So that’s money down the drain. To be precise? Money wasted. If I can borrow it, I’ll do it. I’ll shamelessly do so coz I know it is the wise thing to do. On the other hand if it’s regular day-wear and something really useful…then I would more than be happy to save up for it if I can’t afford it. Better yet, once they go on sale I’ll be the first one in line. If you haven’t heard of the thrift exchange it is where you’ll bring in your stuff in and they’ll assess on how much worth your item is and you get a store credit. Some of the items they have are even brand new. Brought in by same customers who received these items as a gift and are either one size larger or one size smaller. I’ve visited one thrift-store in Los Angeles before and I took in my Madden’s shoes that I got from my aunt which was 2size larger than my foot. She got confused with the american size and my asian sized foot. LOL. I got myself a pair of unbranded shoes but never been worn. Having a good eye for fashion doesn’t always have to come pricey. If I have the extra savings of course I’d snatch that name-brand loot right away, but if I don’t I’m happy with whatever I have. I mix-and-match and tried the options I have shared on this article.
My outfit had been an inspiration for this post. I felt very comfortable and yet still feel great about myself and my look. “Simple is Best” …maybe not at all times but it works most of the time. xoxo