Bits and Pieces: Shooting with MikAmatto.com
If you have been a follower on my twitter page you would know that I am currently away from home for a shoot. If you are not yet following me, you’re tottaly missing out! 🙂
The shoot took place in my photographer’s home / studio – one minute we’re at his home next minute we’re on his studio. M converted his living room to his work area in a matter of minutes – it was an amazing action / transformation to witness! I met M through Model Mayhem where he messaged me and asked to work with him. We have been planning this shoot for a few months now, if not December then by November of 2011. M’s complete name is Michel Amato but made his website name Amatto with a double “t” to avoid confusion because in italian it sounds like “mica matto”, which means “not mad at all” hence MikAmatto.com for his domain url. M is not only a good photographer, he is a great host too! On this event I tagged boyf along so he can see me do modeling work for the first time and M made sure we are well accommodated. He booked a wonderful Bed and Breakfast Hotel for our stay and even took us out to lunch on one the famous Italian Restau spot on his area. They served us Pasta with Clams and Fish for the first course, swordfish fillet for the second course, french fries for the appetizer and matched with a Peach Iced Tea. Total Mouthgasm that I completely forgot to restrain myself from eating too much. -_-” There goes my banana and pineapple diet down the drain. 🙁 On to the set, we had plenty of time goofing around and having fun in between sets.
M Goofing with the Blood Supply
Going Off with Eww Sticky! Exclaims
The bloody set that you saw was for a Bizaare Theme – Severed Arm in a frame. This is where it portray a severed body part in life like and still living poses. To other it may be weird, but to other this is very creative, wild and of course an expression of a great work of art. This theme in particlar reminded me of those horror movies I watched just recently and tried to think of possible scenes that can help me pose effectively. So I chanelled a character modeling a gloves, except on my end I am trying to show case my bloody arm.
We managed to finish around 7-ish pm and scheduled for an early morning follow up shoot the next day. Modeling will always be fun for me, but of course I had to ask boyf how he feels about the shoot and I am glad to find out that he enjoyed it too and thinks it is a fun shoot and looks forward to future events. Not only that he is very proud of me too and thinks I am a great model and did a very good job. 🙂 He did jokingly mentioned that I can use some workout to tone my body as I am getting out of shape. 🙁 Yea I know. I need to stop being lazy and focus on that more. -_-”
Severed Arm Theme!
If you find this shoot interesting kindly visit M’s website MikAmatto.com and his Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/mikamatto.ph, don’t forget to click like to show your support! More updates to be posted. Watch out!
Pinup Doll Teaser
… make sure to come back for the actual feature. xx