Back in Town

yes my dear readers, the bad-ass is back in town. If you’re following me on twitter you should be up to date already. I have had a wonderful warm welcome, it feels like I never left. I so love los angeles, and yes including the drama that goes with it. If only its optional I had long taken it out already but hey, what would become of california without it. Lmao. My flight was kind-of long and for starters the ground stewardess was kind-of ditzy for not doing her job right which had caused quite a hassle to us passengers. I’ve shared some of it on my main blog. Anywho I have been busy catching up with my offline friends so sorry for the lack of updates. Yes I’ve pretty much posted some interesting photos the past few days but thats just about it. So, expect my new updates this upcoming days as I got like tons of things to share! I got new make-up hauls, books, pictures, and so on to share. If you haven’t followed my other blogs, you should now. lah!~
Til Next! -xox